What is happening in the world? Multiple genocides?
My mind can not process the violence and inhumanity.
I am horrified.
There is a 25 year old journalist from Palestine named Bisan Owda. The first thing I do each morning is check for her update to see if she is alive. Today she shared that this may be her last update as she is unsure if she will survive the night. Please follow her on Instagram and amplify her voice on your own platforms.
The last thing on my mind is a book club.
But no, we need to talk about rest.
Bisan asked us not to fail her.
We will need to be rested physically and spiritually to stand up and fight for those who are oppressed - ourselves included. We are not headed towards a dystopian future. We are already there.
Please, rest. There is work to do.
The following reflective question comes from the Rest Is Resistance discussion guide.
In the first section entitled Rest, Tricia talk about her family’s legacy of exhaustion and their rest practices. What have you learned from your own family about rest?
I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments.
The Nap Bishop has also curated a Spotify music playlist which you can find here.
If you haven’t had a chance to sit with the reading, then I wanted to share this from the introduction. It is a transmission to open the portal of rest.
The doors of the Nap Temple are open.
Won’t you come?
This is an invitation for weary souls to rest.
This is a resistance.
This is a protest.
This is a counternarrative to the lie that we all aren’t doing enough.
We are enough.
This is a counternarrative to the lie that our worth is tied to the grind of capitalism and the lie of white supremacy.
You are enough simply by being alive.
Thank you for living.
Thank you for resisting.
Thank you for creating.
Thank you for dreaming.
Thank you for resting.
We believe that our healing can visit us while we are napping.
While we are resting.
While we are sleeping.
While we are slowing down.
We believe that naps provide a dream and a visioning space.
To invent.
To create.
To heal.
To imagine.
This is what resistance looks like.
Won’t you come?
This is a resistance.
This is a protest.
No one is free until everyone is free. Liberation to the oppressed.
Thanks to my upbringing, I find it hard to rest. Although, I do know that I desperately need it. Between hustling to survive and organizing for the communities being oppressed (that I have some semblance of privilege to assist with), I'm often left with negative energy for myself. Any tips for resting are wholly welcomed!