Q: If eugenics is when they allow or encourage people to die based on their genes, then what’s it called when its based on your income?
A: Capitalism
A tweet from Twitter
Do you want to know how tired I’ve been recently?
Yesterday I put pillowcases on for the first time in months.
To be clear, I use them but I just laid them on top. I haven’t had the energy to “fight a pillow.”
*insert tired negro sigh*
Apologies if it took me two weeks (or never) to reply to your text, comment or email - I’m on fumes over here.
Folks always say “let me know when you have the spoons to…” and I want to reply back, I don’t even have a spoon drawer anymore, friend.
If you need me, this is where I’ll be for the foreseeable future.
Oh, and please don’t need me.
Yesterday I took a nap on my new (community sponsored) sofa for the first time. My distrustful and nervous rescue pup laid on my chest and napped with me. It was the first time he’s ever done that.
My sweet boy and I are co-regulating our traumatized nervous systems together.
What have I done the past week since I’ve prioritized my rest and slowed the fuck down?
✔️ Hydrated
✔️ Baked a pie
✔️ Done tiny puzzles
✔️ Cooked a real meal
What have I not done?
❌ Been a “resilient” Black woman who ignores her emotional health and pushes through her exhaustion.
But Robin, how do you plan to:
💸 Pay your bills
💸 Cover your dental surgery
💸 Move to Mexico for your peace
You may as well ask a Magic 8 ball because I don’t know - we can be surprised together, babes.
As a person with no support system who has struggled with housing insecurity my entire life, this terrifies me.
What I DO know is that I am more than my labor and this is NOT how we are meant to live.
If you’re new here and judging my choices, I’m gonna invite you to quit that shit. You don’t understand the depths of trauma that have brought me to this point.
Be less terrible.
I’m outta here to, once again, be as useless as I can to capitalism.
Y’all be easy out there.