*A reminder that the Funds for Palestine guide of mutual aid organizations and verified fundraisers can be downloaded here or by clicking the image.
The other day I found a wallet while I was walking Nico at a quiet, secluded park. There was no one else around. I opened it to see a young white woman on the drivers license. My negro spirit was instantly distressed. I had her address however, I’m Black and I live in Ohio. Ain’t no way I’m walking up to a house I’m unfamiliar with. I considered leaving it in the mailbox but the way housing insecurity is set up these days, I wasn’t confident it was her current address.
I Googled my options.
1. Take it to a police station.
Absolutely the fuck not.
2. Leave it at their financial institution.
I was at Chase Bank the minute they opened.
If you have no clue why I had such an unsettled response, then we exist in two different worlds. If you live in that other world and you have the means, please contribute to the GoFundMe for the family of Sonya Massey.
My heart stays broken, I am so sorry.
The fact that (another) Black woman was murdered in her home is one of the infinite number of reasons I’m relocating to Mexico.
I have no expectation of safety when I leave my apartment. But to live in fear in my own space? I reject that, this society has stolen enough of my peace.
The main roadblock to a liberated, safer life is money.
My latest attempt to fundraise is an online ‘Let’s Go to Mexico’ Book Fair.
Am I throwin’ every idea I have at the wall until one works? Yes I am!
I am tired but determined.
Visit my cherished collection and find a handful of titles to add to your decolonized bookshelf.
(And share with the other free thinking readers in your life.)
Is your TBR pile already outta control but you still want to support my Vision?
Love you, mean it. Click here or the image to contribute directly to my GoFundme.
Let’s go to Mexico! (And read books.) 🇲🇽