A picture from a walk with Nico, I wish I’d had a friend with me
This is such a uncomfortable and confused space for me. Both of the relationships I deeply miss caused me harm in a way that I wasn’t sure I’d survive. It was trash. Was it a lack of self-worth which caused me to continue to have feelings for them? No, I don’t believe so. I do love and value myself. (Ok fine, it’s a work in progress.) Does it mean I condone their actions or have even the tiniest hint of forgiveness for them. Absolutely the fuck not. With that said, while I don’t miss the hurt we caused each other, I do miss the feelings and the people - I’m ok with that.
Hi Robin, thank you so much for sharing your self so very vulnerably and honestly. I really appreciate the realness of your work. Listening to the recording of this article this morning, Memories of my mom and a deer man who was my best friend for many years before he passed away, came into my thoughts. I’m sorry that your mother relationship with her mother was so difficult.
My relationship with my mom was good about 50% of the time, as she was bipolar-schizophrenic, and I was her primary caregiver during the last years of her life. I can very much relate. The other person that I miss all the time, is my friend, Brian Marc, who is a remarkable person Bryan passed away shortly after 911 In New York and his leaving this plain broke my heart and his friendship is some thing I still miss. Sending you lots of love.