“Once I decided that I would rest and dream, no matter the consequences, when I took a “let the chips fall where they may” approach, ease, support, and clarity came quickly and easily. Radical faith is what grounds my life ethos and therefore it grounds how I study rest. Possessing extreme faith is a practice in living on the edge and yet feeling tucked in and protected. Once you settle into it, you gain power from the feeling. You become magic. You can soar. You can dream.”
-Tricia Hersey
Having a “let the chips fall where they may approach” has been uncomfortable for me. I stepped away from texts, emails and my online spaces this past week and it was stressful. My online communities are where I find support and connection. My writing is how I financially sustain myself. However, I needed quiet. I needed to create a space where the only voice I heard was mine (and spirit) for a moment. As I rested, the familiar tape of fear played in my head:
“You have to post or you won’t get new subscribers!”
“You have to write or you won’t survive.”
“You have to do this or people will think…”
And no, I refuse to live that way anymore. The past week has been rough and there were real life consequences, but do you know what else happened?
New subscribers continued to find this newsletter
I received support from people who remember me even when I’m away
Folks in my online community understood (Or, they didn’t and that was ok too)
Reflective questions for this week from the discussion guide:
What is your engagement with social media? Have you found it hard to not be “connected” there? Can you imagine a social media detox? What could that look like for you?
If you haven’t read section II, here are ways you can create your own spaces to rest and dream:
Cultivate deep community that is not allowed to post online. Build a community that nurtures intimacy, accountability and vulnerability.
Barter and participate in mutual aid and make community care you biggest goal.
Rest as if your life depends on it, no matter what, regardless.
For the week ahead, practice radical faith and allow yourself to feel tucked in and protected.
This is how we will thrive.
Liberation to those who are oppressed.
We will rest!
The time in solitude, when set aside from focused production and results, is where the Magic Happens!!
Write On!